Exchange of results between Norwegian institutions

Exchange of results makes it possible for Norwegian Universities and University colleges to collect your educational results from other institutions in Norway.

What does exchange of results means?

Exchange of results is relevant if you are applying for admission on the basis of higher education achieved in Norway, or if you are applying for recognition of external education. Through exchange of results the Universities and University colleges you are applying to can receive your achieved results (grades and assessments) from other Universities and University colleges in Norway.

Not all institutions are using this service

Exchange of results is possible between Universities and University colleges using the study administration system Felles Studentsystem (FS). This means most Norwegian universities and university colleges, except Norwegian Business School (Handelshøyskolen BI). 

You can also share results from some institutions not using FS via the Diploma registry.

Publisert 16. feb. 2017 12:51 - Sist endret 13. juli 2022 12:57