Diploma supplement - del 5

Diploma supplement




Information on the function of the qualification


5.1.Access to further study


Indicate if within the country of origin, the qualification normally provides access to further academic and/or professional study, especially leading to any specific qualifications, or levels of study e.g. access to Doctoral studies in Hungary.  If this is the case, specify the grades or standards that have to be obtained to allow progression.  Indicate if the qualification is a terminal (end) award or part of a hierarchy of awards.


Eksempler på tekst:                                          

The bachelor's degree is at an academic level that is sufficient for application to relevant second cycle studies.


The master´s degree is at an academic level that is sufficient for application to relevant third cycle degree.


PhD is the highest academic degree attainable in Norway.


For erfaringsbasert master:


This qualification is an experience-based master´s degree and it is not sufficient for application to relevant third cycle degree.


NB! Denne opplysningen gjelder ikke alle erfaringsbaserte mastergrader.  Her er det programspesifikke behov!


5.2.Professional status


Give details of any rights to practice, or professional status accorded to the holders of the qualification, in accordance with national legislation.  What specific access, if any, does the qualification give in terms of employment or professional practice and indicate which competent authority allows this.  Indicate if the qualification gives access to a ´regulated profession´.


I Norge er det ca 170 lovregulerte yrker, se



(Med regulerte yrker menes at myndighetene i lov eller forskrift krever minimumskvalifikasjoner for retten til å benytte yrkestittel eller utøve yrket. Her skiller en imidlertid mellom automatisk godkjenning av en utdanning og en generell ordning.)


De harmoniserte, (automatisk godkjente) regulerte yrkene i Norge er: lege, sykepleier, jordmor, veterinær, tannlege og farmasøyt.  For utdanninger som fører til disse yrkene føres inn følgende tekst:

  • Regulated profession. Covered by the EU Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 7 September 2005 regarding the recognition of professional qualifications.

Dersom dette gjelder utdanninger som krever autorisering hos helsedirektoratet legger dere i tillegg til:

For andre regulerte yrker, som for eksempel for master i rettsvitenskap:


Recognition as a lawyer requires an additional course and practice.  The recognition is made by The Supervisory Council for Legal Practice.


Ikke regulerte yrker kan dersom det er ønskelig bruke denne teksten:



The award entitles the holder to practice unregulated professions requiring graduate competences.


Publisert 25. feb. 2014 15:22 - Sist endret 1. juni 2022 16:53