Diploma supplement - del 8

Diploma supplement




Information on the national higher education system


Give information on the higher educational system: its general access requirements; the national qualifications framework (where applicable), types of institution and the quality assurance or accreditation system. For countries party to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), the national qualifications framework should be compatible with and refer to the overarching framework of qualifications of the EHEA adopted by Ministers in 2005.  For countries which are members of the European Union or party to relevant EU programmes, the national framework should also be compatible with the European Qualifications Framework.  This description should provide a context for the qualification and refer to it.  A standard framework for these descriptions together with the actual descriptions should be available for many countries.  These have been created as a result of this project and with the co-operation of the relevant National (European Union and European Economic Area) Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC), European (Council of Europe/UNESCO) National Information Centre on Academic Recognition and Mobility (ENIC), Ministries and Rectors´conferences.


NOKUT arbeider for tiden med en totalrevisjon av punkt 8.  Den skal ferdigstilles i løpet av våren 2013.


Publisert 25. feb. 2014 15:23